Fire Extinguisher Wet Chemical 6 Litre

Specially formulated wet chemical to suppress Class F fires, the Wet Chemical Extinguisher is designed to combat fires resulting from fats and edible oils burning in deep fryers.



  • Cylinder finish: red epoxy powder coated
  • Height: 430mm
  • Diameter: 165mm
  • Mass empty: 4.1kg
  • Mass full: 11.7kg

Instructions for use:

  • Typical appliances include: oil fryers; griddles and range tops; upright, natural charcoal, or chain-type broilers; electric, lava rock, mesquite or gas-radiant char-broilers; and woks.
  • The Wet Chemical must be applied using the extended applicator or lance in slow circular movements, giving a gentle, yet thorough application in fine spray form, covering and emulsifying the burning cooking oil or fat, preventing re-ignition.
  • Aim the applicator tip from a distance of about 1 meter from of the fire, squeeze the levers on the operating head together and attack the fire from the base in slow circular movements covering the complete area.

Safety tips:

  • Do NOT use water on ‘Class F’ fires.
  • Ensure that you keep out of smoke and fumes produced by the fire.
  • Take care to let the oil or fat cool before cleaning the frying appliance.
  • The oil or fat may not be re-used.
  • The energy source to the cooking equipment must be shut off to permit the cooking media to cool down below its auto-ignition temperature.